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About us

  本公司主要经营“化工塑料”,“电子产品”,“包装产品”,“机械”,“服装及辅料”,“塑料制品”,等等。“包装产品”,“电子产品”,“机械类”等等。上海锦翰国际贸易有限公司是经上海市对外经济贸易委员会批准的综合性工贸结合型企业,专业代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,进出口商品涉及二十多个大类、几百个品种,贸易客户遍及世界五大洲40多个和地区。公司积极开展进出口代理业务,并以优质的服务和强有力的竞争力,在国内外客商中赢得了良好声誉,现已成为多家国际跨国公司的国内进出口专业代理商,国外企业国内采购代办商。我们提供的外贸代理服务包括:一、进口代理:为客户制作清关单证、办理各类证明(重要工业品登记证明、机电产品进口登记证明、进出口商检证明、进口食品检验检疫证明等)、进口货物报关,商检、物流(运输、仓储)、对外付汇等。二、出口代理:制作外销合同、代理协议书、出口报关单据、代办商检、租船订舱、保险、审单付款、银行交单、银行结汇、核销、退税等。四、进出口业务过程中其他相关业务。本公司秉承“顾客上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎广大客户惠顾!Shanghai Jinhan trading Co., Ltd., authorized to establish by Foreign Economic Relation & Trade Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government, is an integrated manufactural and trading enterprise. There are a lot of senior international business dealers, mechanical installation engineers, materials engineers, economists & senior custom dealers, etc. in the company, who are familiar with international trade. These human resources are not only familiar with internal & int’l markets, Custom declaration, commodity inspection, transportation, insurance & foreign exchange transactions, but also possess wholeheartedly service concept and cooperative teamwork belief. So we can satisfy our customers’ requirements in most extended degree.We devote ourselves to international trade business and act as an agent for imp. & exp., also purchase business etc.. We believe that with the development of the company, we are confident to be the most trust 。